Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Matador Marathoners

Congratulations to Randy Hrechko and Ralph Serralta who completed the Boston Marathon (26.2 miles) on Monday, April 20th. They crossed the finish line in 3:30.

For those not familiar with the Boston Marathon, participants must qualify to run in what is considered the world's oldest annual marathon, by meeting a designated time standard that corresponds with their age group. This year the marathon had close to 23,000 runners who qualified and participated.
Randy and his wife Lee currently live in Columbia, South Carolina; while Ralph and his wife Gail and family live in Arlington, Texas.

Congratulations guys! I think it's awesome that the two of you have kept in touch over the years and are able to use the marathon as a way to reunite.

One hour till the start

"The Aftermath" (as Ralph called it)

The Post-Rehydration Party

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! What a great accomplishment and memory for the future!